Ilkeston - The Trees Of Victoria Park
w/e 16 August 2009
All this week's pictures were taken with a Kodak DX6490

The Trees Of Victoria Park

Part 01 - On the Drummond Road side

Victoria Park, gifted to the people of Ilkeston by the Duke of Rutland to celebrate Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee is roughly triangular in shape being bounded by Drummond Road, Bristol Road and Manners Road. In this part we will start in the centre of the park and proceed in an anti-clockwise direction towards the Drummond Road side.

The Duke Oak

Pride of place though must go to the Common Oak that stands in the middle of the park. It was planted on the opening of the park in 1902 by the Duke of Rutland and, although 'common', this particular tree has been elevated in status to take its place among the gentry and is known as the 'Duke Oak'.
Raywood Ash

On the slope between the Duke Oak and the Bandstand is the second tree both on the leaflet and the information post. In fact all six of the trees in this section correspond to their leaflet numbers. This species is the Raywood Ash which was introduced to the UK from its native Australia.
Green Now, Red Later

The Raywood Ash is also known as the Claret Ash, a reference to the leaves that turn dark red in autumn but in August the feathery leaves are a lovely shade of green.
Common Lime

Between the bandstand and the gap that leads to the children's play area on the Manners Road side of the park is a fine specimen of a tree that is often found not only in parks but also on streets throughout the country. This is the Common Lime which at 30m high grows to be the tallest broadleaved tree seen in Britain.
Golden Weeping Willow

Golden Weeping WillowThe next three trees all stand in the space between one of the main paths through the park and Drummond Road. The first is a species that is usually seen overhanging water but here this Golden Weeping Willow is surrounded by grass. In the main picture above the bandstand with the adjacent iron seats can also be seen whilst in the small image on the left, taken from the opposite side, parked vehicles and houses on Drummond Road can be seen. This small image too also shows the curvature of the tree trunk as the weeping branches and slender drooping leaves seem to favour the Drummond Road side.
Silver Maple

Nearby is a Silver Maple tree and although it is not yet mid August some of the leaves near the top of the tree are already beginning to change colour. As autumn gets nearer the silvery undersides of the leaves that contribute towards the name of the Silver Maple species will turn bright yellow or orange.
Weeping Ash

Our final tree in this section is another weeping variety but this as distinct from the Golden Weeping Willow is a Weeping Ash. Willows grow to 20m in height but the Weeping Ash is somewhat smaller at only 12m.
Leafy Cascade

The Weeping Ash is described as "an ornamental species with a cascade of flowing and gnarled branches." Gnarled or not, the branches on this specimen are hidden by another cascade, that of the leaves that are somewhat broader than the neighbouring Willow.

In September we will move to a cluster of trees on the Bristol Road side of Victoria Park to take in the next six on the Tree Trail before viewing another five in October and November respectively, by which time autumn will be truly upon us.

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